Today I heard Paul Auster talking about his fascination with rhyming events in the world: strange coincidences, improbable repeats. His books are full of them. So are Borges's. This piece is about material rhymes. I use soft materials (latex, silicone, white tack) to extract verses from rusty steel. The lines are then presented following the structure of the Elizabethan sonnet: abab cdcd efef gg.
This is likely to be the last can I make for a while. It certainly is the biggest one yet. The text is the 24 variations you can make with its four constituent words. To me, the absurdity that emerges from repeating and permuting the words mirrors the absurdity of the big aluminium can, straining to stand up again or maybe trying to avoid ending up flat on the floor. More photos in the 'Work' section.
Robert Cervera Amblar
Sculpture, installation, writing. Archive:
July 2013